+ Environmental Design

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+ Environmental Design

The Company elaborates Environmental Impact Assessment for infrastructure projects in order to estimate the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, while taking into account the natural, social and economic aspects. Also among the company’s fields of interest are Landfill Designs, Rehabilitation Environmental Designs (quarries, mines, contaminated and derelict land) as well as E.U. programs on Areas Development and Management.

  • Assessment of geological, hydrogeological, natural and chemical parameters concerning the Environmental Designs.
  • Evaluation and planning, for the construction and running of waste disposal sites assessment.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Rehabilitation Environmental Design (quarries, mines, etc).
  • Environmental protection and sustainable development.
  • Proposals for E.U. programs in areas development and management.
  • Landfill Design.
  • Contaminated Land Rehabilitation.